Let’s explore the process of how you can find the right service, and freelancer for your project. All freelancers and their services have been vetted, so you can rest assured when ordering a service with a freelancer on Pixecart you will receive exactly what you have ordered.
Our freelancers have been hard at work crafting their services for you to explore. Browse their different packages, pricing, portfolios, and reviews to find the right service for your project, budget, and business needs.
Cannot find a service for your project, but would like to work with a particular freelancer. You can contact them directly by sending them a message to discuss your project requirements and to request a custom offer.
Don’t have the time to browse through our services or cannot find what you are looking for, why not ‘Post A Job Request’, Its FREE to post. Fill out the form and submit your project requirements to get quotes from the freelancers.
Note: You need to be a registered buyer to purchase a service, request a custom offer, and to post a job request.
Compare prices, portfolios, delivery time, and reviews to find the best service or freelancer for your project budget and business needs. If you have a specific question related to your project, simply send the freelancer a message via the job messaging portal.
Order now placed with freelancer, it’s time to supply your brief and any additional informational the freelancer has requested. Be as detailed as possible, with your brief so the freelancer can deliver the quality of work you are expecting. You only pay if you are 100% satisfaction with the work received.
Exchange files and feedback easily with the freelancer via the inbuilt messaging and job management portal. The freelancer will complete the job order as per your requirements and deliver the service within the agreed delivery time shown in their job package and or custom offer.
Once you’re happy with the work received, approve the job. The freelancer will upload the source files via the job portal. Once the files have been delivered and your satisfied, you can mark the order as completed. Leave feedback, and you’re done! We’ll make sure that the freelancer gets paid.
Hire a creative professional today!
Pixecart is an Australian freelance marketplace that provides creative product-related vetted services on demand. We are seeking experienced freelancers who have hands-on skills and industry knowledge in Online, Below and or Above the-Line Advertising & Marketing to provide high quality professional freelance services on demand.
Apply for free by submitting your curriculum vitae and samples of your work for approval. Once your application has been approved you can start uploading your services.
Post and advertise your services to clients. Get notified when you have received an order and communicate easily with clients via our job management portal.
Keep clients happy by delivering high quality work and receive fantastic rewards. Get paid on time upon order completion. As your earning grow, so do the perks.
Note: When applying, please make sure you select (Seller) and attach your Curriculum Vitae in English with your Portfolio (Links or PDF), and Social Profiles otherwise we cannot review your application.