Pixecart is a freelance marketplace based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia that provides vetted video editing and creative freelance services on demand. We help businesses connect, hire, and collaborate with experienced and trusted freelancers for their video marketing and advertising needs. New Blog about what is video editing and why you should consider hiring a professional video editor for your project. The image shown in this blog is of a video editor computer screen with video editing software being used to edit video clips.

What is Video Editing?

Written By: Joshua Kritzinger

The role of a Video Editor is to order and assemble raw footage in such a way that it communicates a clear narrative or message. They do this by combing footage with audio, graphics, and effects. They are also responsible for making creative decisions during the post-production process. Video Editors can work on anything from a YouTube clip, social media posts, or even paid television commercials.

Why should you use a professional video editor?

There are a number of reasons why you should be using a professional Video Editor to cut, combine, and edit your footage, the first one being the impact of a single video.

  • If a picture says a thousand words, then a single video represents a million.
  • A video can manipulate its audience into feeling whatever the creator decides, which is extremely powerful for anyone trying to sell an idea, feeling or product.
  • People can access videos from any part of the world. It’s extremely unlikely for an individual to not be exposed to a video at some point in their life.
  • Videos are everywhere in this day and age, on the internet, television, street squares etc.

What skills does a video editor have? But not limited to.

  • A keen eye for detail and creativity, and a passionate interest in film and video editing.
  • A creative mind and a passion for filming and editing videos.
  • Ability to concentrate for long periods of time and have patience.
  • To be able to work well with others and use active listening.
  • An extremely high-level of self-motivation, dedication, self-reflection and commitment.
  • Great time management and organizational skills.
  • The ability to work whilst under pressure and adhere to deadlines.
  • Outstanding communication skills, both written and verbal.


There are many things that go into the creation of a great video. Having a thought-out script, a skilled camera man, crisp audio, seasoned producing and directing, is a recipe for a video to be successful. However, that said, the most important piece of the puzzle is having an experienced Video Editor to combine and refine the talents to form a gripping story.

Explore our services

Want to know more about our amazing Freelance Video Services on offer visit the Video Editing Services link below.


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To make your next video marketing campaign a smashing hit, hire a freelance video expert for video editing or to create a one-of-a-kind video for your business.

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