Online Business Resolution Ideas
Written By: Helen Walter
Have you ever considered developing an Online Business Resolution for your business for the new year? It’s never too late to start working on one, here are a few ideas to get you started in 2022.
Thank your customers
Now is the time to acknowledge your most important stakeholders and customers. Without their continued support throughout the past year, your business would not exist. So, why not let them know by saying thank you! Here are a couple of ideas: Email out a digital newsletter or e-card, upload a social post or video or send them a traditional personalized thank you card.
Establishing your B.H.A.G
Now it’s strategy time. Setting up your (B.H.A.G) Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals will help motivate your team to go the extra mile to achieve greater success in the new year. You can do this by looking at previous year numbers and stats to see if you can improve on the results for this year. Remember to not set your company goals to high, rather set goals that are based on reality, achievable and most of all challenging for the team.
Protect your customers’ data against online data breaches
Did you know a 2021 report found that small online businesses were not ready for Cyber-attack in 2022, and that 64% of companies worldwide have experienced at least one form of cyber-attack in the past year. It’s no better time than now to review & update your IT systems and website/s to minimize the company risks, and it’s your obligation to ensure you keep your customer’s data safe & secure when they are purchasing product/s or service/s from you online. (Source: Web Arx Security & Cybint Solutions).
Change hour-long virtual meetings to catch ups
Research has shown by reducing hour-long virtual and non-virtual meetings to catch up meetings of approximately 20-to-30-minutes can help to improve staff concentration, increases work productivity, and promotes a healthier, happier working environment.
Explore automated technology for your online business
Have you explored automated solutions for your daily business operations? By replacing manual task/s to an automated solutions will not only free up your staff for more important tasks, but it will also help reduce manual errors. They can include processing of orders & invoices, product inventory, customer services, bookkeeping, and sales.
Build a better company culture
If you’ve noticed the past year your staff’s performance is not where it should be? Then, you should investigate your company culture, to see how you can improve on it. Consider sending out a survey to your staff asking what they would like to see changed. After all, having a happy and productive workforce is not only good for your business, but it also boosts moral, and staff are more likely to be loyal towards the company they work for.
Be consistent in your digital marketing strategy
Running a small business can be challenging, and you are often pulled into so many directions that your digital marketing suffers to focus on other areas. We suggest that you pick one a digital channel a month to focus on. This will give you the time you need to improve on brand awareness, be consistent in your messaging, learn more about your customers and how you can serve them better, and in return it will help you to achieve your business goals too.
Support your local community
Even if you are a small online business and your customers come from all around the world, supporting your local community is important as ever, as they were probably the first to support your business by purchasing your products or services. Keeping that in mind, giving back to the local community is a rewarding experience, and it has a few company benefits. To show how much your business appreciates their support you can help the less fortunate by volunteering your time, donate money, support a local charity, or local sports team/club.
Start planning today! A new calendar year symbolizes a new beginning for your business.